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Wednesday 5 October 2011

Band Identity Planning

Here is our first draft of a possible outfit for the lead singer of our rebellious girl band, as drawn by Frank.
I had the idea that in order to give the band an identity as a group, as well as giving each member a unique identity, the members should be colour coordinated so that they predominantly wear black, but mixed with a colour unique to them.
This example shows how the lead singer will have purple as they're colour.

Here are the first drafts for the rest of the band, also drawn by Frank. As you can see, each of the members has their own 'rock' style and unique secondary colour i.e. the drummer is silver, guitarist is gold and the bassist is light blue.
I think the draft drawings fit to our genre and band image we want to create as the outfits have the look of a rock band. The lead singer's outfit fits in with our primary target audience of teenage females as it isn't too revealing.