Final Music Video

Album Cover

Album Cover


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Friday 7 October 2011

Group Meeting 2

Agenda: To organise all aspects of our project ready for the pitch (which we hope to do on Monday)

The main aspect of our project which we needed to finalise for the pitch was the marketing for the band's debut. As a group we created a brainstorm for the campaign, which stretched across different types of media; Radio, TV, Magazines, Online etc.
Here is our brainstorm from the meeting:

As we had now finalised the main aspects ready for our pitch, we also took some time to think about possible band, album and record label names as part of our marketing campaign.

Band Names: 
  • The Dropouts
  • Melted Sin
  • The Beautiful Damned
Album Name:
For our album cover we were thinking, to tie in with the theme of the lead singer being a criminal, that the main photo should be a mugshot of the lead singer. On the mugshot board we were going to write the band name and the album name. For the album name we thought of "You'll Love Me When I'm Famous", which we all liked as it ties in with our main audience of the disenfranchised youth of today.

Record Label:
In our initial idea for our music video we wanted to have the lead singer set fire to a car, but unfortunately this was too impractical. To keep with this destructive idea, we thought of naming our offshoot record label "Burning Car Records".

Possible Track Names:
Finally, we planned some songs to put on the track list on the back cover of the album, using typical rock song names for the list. We also went for the conventional 10-track list on the CD.
Here is our initial track list:
  1. Dystopian Living
  2. You'll Love Me When I'm Famous
  3. Goin' Down
  4. Ugly Faces
  5. On The Run
  6. White Wine and Red Roses
  7. When The Wind Blows From The East, Cut Down The Willow Tree ft. Slash
  8. If Looks Could Kill
  9. Despots And Killers ft. Billy Joe Armstrong
  10. The Devil Made Us His Children
All the tracks on the above list are subject to change, although at the moment we are very happy with them. You will also notice that two of the tracks have featured artists. We have decided to do this and have chosen artists who we think both the core and secondary audiences can recognise, appealing to them more.