Final Music Video

Album Cover

Album Cover


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Thursday 22 September 2011

Rock Album Cover Research

This is the album cover for Misery Business by Paramore. As you can see from this cover, the artwork is quite rough and scribbly. On the front cover there is the central picture of the band, who are mainly looking directly at the camera. The font of the album name matches the style of the cover, whereas the band name is in a formal, sans serif font.
For our album cover, I think we should go for similar features. I think our front cover should have a main photo of the band, in their own unique poses. I also think the album font should be quite scribbly so it fits in with the 'Rock' style. The back cover will also fit in with this style, although I think the back cover should have more imagery, as I don't think the blank back works in Paramore's cover.

Here is the front cover for another 'Rock' album cover from the band Garbage. As you can see, this album is a bit more obscure and just shows parts of the human body around the red background. Again, the band name and the album name are very clear, in order to sell the artist.
Although I think this style is eye-catching and can be effective, I still prefer the covers with the artist pictures, as I believe it sells the band more effectively and builds a better sense of band identity.