Final Music Video

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Thursday 15 September 2011

Semiotic Analysis

Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity (1996)

This video shows how the world is changing all around, but actually for the worse. This idea is shown through the visuals of death throughout the video, as well as the lyrics of the song.

"Thinking what a mess we're in, hard to know where to begin"
"Nothing's gonna change the way we live, 
Cause we always take but we never give"

There is imagery of death throughout the video. Firstly, there is a raven which is shown to fly away from the action, as if it were leaving. Ravens are symbols of death and English legend states that when the "Ravens leave the Tower [of London], the Kingdom will fall".

There is also the imagery of cockroaches in the room, which grow in number as the video progresses. Again this links to the more myths, as it is said that cockroaches are the only living thing that can survive a nuclear war. The growing number of cockroaches, contrasted with the fact that Jamiroquai is on his own for the majority of the video, shows the idea that the world is becoming more hostile.

Finally, there is the imagery of blood at the end of the song. This is a more literal representation of the death and bloodshed which will come to the world as it gets worse.