Final Music Video

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Tuesday 20 September 2011

Track Research

My confirmed group for this project is myself, Olivia Cole and Frank Tan. Preliminarily we were put together as a group so we started to shortlist some ideas for our band identity and for songs to make a music video for.

Almost straight away Olivia came up with our main band identity for the video, which was a rebellious girl rock band. Frank and I both agreed that this would be a good idea to do, as there is a large gap in the modern market for girl rock bands. We also decided that as our genre was female rock, our primary target audience would be teenage girls who liked the genre of rock music, and that our secondary audience would be teenage males who also interested in that genre.

Once we had our band identity and target audience in mind, we started to shortlist some possible tracks for our video. Here are some of our ideas:

Track 1: Goin' Down - The Pretty Reckless


  • Fast-paced guitar and drum solos, which mean there are lots of good opportunities for whole band performance shots as well as individual ones.
  • There is a pause in the song before a 'drop' where the guitars and chorus come back in, which would be good for our rebellious 'destruction' idea as we could possibly have an effect on the smashing which kicks in along with the music
  • There are references to the Catholic Church during the song's verses, which could be problematic as they may be seen as offensive. However, we are bearing that in mind with our video plan and are trying to find a way around the references with the visuals

Track 2: Dull Life - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

  • Starts of slowly and then builds up, which will give us the opportunity to build up the tension and shots in our video
  • The irony of the lyrics talking about how dull life is etc. would be so massive with our video idea of the band being rebels and destructive.
  • The song is a bit too long and repetitive to keep the audience focussed on the action which means we would need to do a lot of different set-ups and narrative-performance cutting. Although this could work, it may not be the best song to do practically

Track 3: My Medicine - The Pretty Reckless

  • The lyrics tie in well with our original idea of a rebellious girl at the aftermath of a party
  • The song isn't fast paced enough for use to make a rebellious 'destruction' kind of music video. It also has a lack of guitar and drum solos where we can put in 'Rock Band' performance shots.